May 2018
Growing up in regional Australia in the 1990s, I adopted the casual racism of the schoolyard. As an adult, I had to educate myself out of these racist attitudes.
March 2018
Capitalism is the single dominant force that shapes our lives today. But for some reason it is taboo to discuss the system that contains us.
November 2017
In my Nineties kid childhood, internet access was a scarcity. Today, the internet is ubiquitous and is a major distraction.
August 2017
I don't own a smartphone, and still choose to use a 'dumbphone'. By doing this, I intentionally limit the time that I am connected to the internet.
June 2017
Our reptile brain constantly scans for ways to distract our rational mind. By blocking internet access during work hours, I block my reptile. Then, I get to work.
May 2017
How many invisible "energy slave" workers does it take to fuel our modern lifestyles? A comic about Buckminster Fuller and fossil fuels.
February 2016
A classic behavioural psychology experiment. In the 1970s, researchers took eight strangers and shut them inside a dark room for an hour. What happened next?
October 2015
Today, global action to stop climate change is inconceivable. Yet, in 1938, global action to stop Nazi Germany was also inconceivable. The world was in Hitler denial.
August 2015
Exactly 75 summers ago, Buckminster Fuller accidentally discovered a self-air conditioning house. How did he do it?