May 2018
How would I explain my lack of faith to a friend who does believe in God? How would I explain that there is zero chance of me ever changing my mind? In this essay, I reflect on my new comic Deprived of Religion.
April 2018
In this blog post, I describe the budget behind Beyond Average: my quest to earn the median Australian income from crowdfunding. I explain how my monthly crowdfunding goal of US $7,452 relates to the median Aussie income, and my expenses as a self-employed artist.
April 2018
Right now, I have an exciting fundraising opportunity: a government-backed matched crowdfunding drive. Any pledges made to my Patreon crowdfunding page before 31 May 2018 will be multiplied by 12 by Creative Partnerships Australia.
February 2018
I am a self-taught cartoonist, who has gradually shaped my cartooning skills through practice and perseverence. This blog post compares an image that I drew in 2008 against a similar scene that I drew ten years later, in 2018.
October 2017
Every two years I publish a list of the books which I read during that period. Here is my 2015-17 list, featuring the reasons why "The Course of Love" by Alain de Botton was my favourite book from that period.
September 2017
We have a winner! You voted "Notel" as your choice for Ballot Box Comics 2017. I share a video showing the research and brainstorming that I have done for this work-in-progress comic.
August 2017
Announcing my new initiative: Ballot Box Comics. I am giving you the chance to vote on which story I draw into a comic. My crowdfunding supporters can choose from three voting options.
August 2017
For the next three months, I am working with two interns named Frank and Dee from ANU's science communication school. Here are our plans for the next 12 weeks.
July 2017
'Working music' helps a listener focus and concentrate on working, writing, or studying. This is a recommendations list of 26 albums of music to work to.