Green Drinks Brisbane interview on 4ZzZ radio

I was recently invited to do an interview about Green Drinks Brisbane on 4ZzZ’s At the Local show. Hosted by Bernie Young and aired Saturday afternoons, At the Local focuses on events and community groups of interest to Brisbane residents.
The interview was live-to-air on 25 September, and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of time Bernie made available to me, with the interview lasting 15 minutes. We spoke about the international origins of Green Drinks, the formation and operation of Green Drinks Brisbane, as well as my motivations for establishing the event.
You can stream the podcast below, or visit the At the Local page. My interview starts from the 21:00 mark.
Thanks to Bernie for the opportunity – it was especially pleasing because I’ve been a keen 4ZzZ listener/subscriber since moving to Brisbane in 2003. With announcers who talk like normal people and choose the music that is played during their shows, Triple Zed is a really refreshing alternative to other media sources, particularly commercial radio.